We use four different waxes to make our service as pain free as possible!
We use four different waxes at Spa Zone. Both soft waxes are applied in a thin layer onto the skin, and then removed using a cotton strip. The hard waxes are applied in a thick layer onto the skin, left to harden, and removed without a strip.
Our hard wax is specially formulated to stick to the hair, but not to the skin. This ensures a comfortable service even for the most sensitive of skins. It was created by a facility that teaches only specialized waxing to the pros. Spa Zone is the ONLY spa in the area to use these specialized waxes!
Before Waxing Care
- lightly exfoliate the area to be waxed
- no tanning two days prior. Tanning can cause sensitivity, roughness or swelling of the skin.
- grow hair to at least ¼ – ½ inch long.
- be aware of your cycle ladies! The closer to your ‘time of the month’, the more sensitive you are!
- don’t be a hero! Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen about an hour before your waxing service
- get your rest! The better rested you are, the less waxing hurts.
After Waxing Care
- avoid exercising the same day
- avoid tight clothing immediately after waxing. The rubbing will irritate skin
- avoid swimming, steaming, or soaking in a hot bath for 24 hrs. The follicles are open, and can harbour bacteria easier.
- avoid exfoliation for a couple of days. The skin can still be sensitive.
- avoid tanning for 24 hours
- Eyebrow Shaping$15
- Upper Lip$10
- Chin$10
- Jaw (includes Chin)$15
- Neck$20
- Sideburns/Cheeks$10
- Face (brows, lip, chin)$30
- Face & Neck$40
- Fingers/Hands$10
- Full Arms$50
- ¾ Arms$40
- ½ Arms (includes hands/fingers)$30
- Underarms$20
- Bikini$25
- French Bikini (high sides)$35
- California (more than French, but not Brazil)$45
- Brazilian (landing strip left)$55
- Hollywood/LA (everything)$65
- Back of Upper Legs only$20
- Upper Legs$45
- Lower Legs$35
- Toes/Feet$10
- Full Legs$70
- Full Legs & Bikini$90
- Full Legs & French Bikini$98
- Full Legs & California Bikini$105
- Full Legs & Brazilian$110
- Full Legs & L/A$125